Property Appraiser


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Property Owners Bill of Rights

This Bill of Rights does not represent all of your rights under Florida law regarding your property and should not be viewed as a comprehensive guide to property rights. This document does not create a civil cause of action and neither expands nor limits any rights or remedies provided under any other law. This document does not replace the need to seek legal advice in matters relating to property law. Laws relating to your rights are found in the State Constitution, Florida Statutes, local ordinances, and court decisions. Your rights and protections include:

    1)  The right to acquire, possess, and protect your property.

    2)  The right to use and enjoy your property.

    3)  The right to exclude others from your property.

    4)  The right to dispose of your property.

    5)  The right to due process.

    6)  The right to just compensation for property taken for a public purpose.

    7)  The right to relief, or payment of compensation, when a new law, rule, regulation, or ordinance of the state or a political entity unfairly affects your property.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Union County Property Appraiser
55 W Main St.
Rm 109
Lake Butler, Florida 32054

VOICE: 386-496-3431
FAX: 386-496-2925

The information presented on this website was derived from data which was compiled by the Union County Property Appraiser solely for the governmental purpose of property assessment. This information should not be relied upon by anyone as a determination of the ownership of property or market value. The GIS Map image is not a survey and shall not be used in a Title Search or any official capacity. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the accuracy of the data herein, its use, or its interpretation. This website was last updated: 7/11/2024 and may not reflect the data currently on file at our office.
© Union County Property Appraiser | Bruce D. Dukes | Lake Butler, Florida | 386-496-3431 by GrizzlyLogic.com (g4)